
Create Action

Dim backup As notesdocument
Dim tmp_items As notesdocument

Set savechanges = Nothing
Set backup = New notesdocument(document.parentdatabase)

backup.start_time = document.start_time
backup.end_time = document.end_time
backup.next_action_num = document.next_action_num
backup.previous_action = document.previous_action
backup.previous_time = document.previous_time
backup.status = document.status
backup.problem_closure = document.problem_closure
backup.problem_type = document.problem_type
backup.problem_sub_type = document.problem_sub_type
backup.version = document.version
backup.problem = document.problem

If action.action_num(0) = 1 Then
document.start_time = action.start_time
End If
If action.status(0) = "Closed" Then
document.end_time = Cdat(action.start_time(0) + (action.duration(0)/1440))
End If
document.next_action_num = document.next_action_num(0) + 1
document.previous_action = action.action_type
document.previous_time = action.start_time
document.status = action.status
document.prev_line = action.line
document.problem_closure = closure_val
document.problem_type = type_val
document.problem_sub_type = sub_type_val
document.version = document.version(0) + 1
If document.problem(0) = "" Then
document.problem = Trim$(shorten(action.action(0), 100)) & " .."
End If

Set tmp_items = copy_items(document, "tmp_")
Call remove_items(document, "tmp_")

If document.save(False, False) Then
stop_watch.lslocaltime = next_stop(0)
Call remove_items(action, "tmp_")
Call action.makeresponse(document)
action.act_key = action.universalid
action.prob_key = action.ParentDocumentUNID
action.reploc = action.parentdatabase.server
Print action.parentdatabase.server
Call action.save(True, True)
lastaction = Format$(action.start_time(0), "Long Date") & " - " & action.engineer(0) & " - " & action.action_type(0) & " - " & Cstr(action.duration(0)) & " min - " & action.status(0) & Chr$(10) & action.action(0)
notificationrequired = Not action.engineer(0) = document.responsible_engineer(0)
Set savechanges = action
Set action = Nothing
Call backup.copyallitems(document, True)
Messagebox "Your changes cannot be saved because this document has been saved by someone else while you have been editing it. " _
& "You must close and reopen the document before you can save it", 16, "Error"
End If

Call tmp_items.copyallitems(document, True)