
Logical Volume Manager Resize On The Fly

How To extend root / partition 'on-the-fly', ext3/4/LVM only

(Big thanks to "Sideways" at

The restriction to ext3 is due to the man page for resize2fs claiming this is the only fs that can be resized without unmounting.

The scenario: you have an ext3 partition LogVol00? mounted on / and a swap partition LogVol01? in a logical volume group VolGroup00? (the default install), but you're running out of space in /, there's no room left in the volume group but you have a brand new disk drive with lots of free space. How to add some space to the / partition?

The usual problem is that / can't be unmounted, there are guides out there which involve using a livecd or dual booting into another os that recognizes logical volumes, but in this case you can do it 'on-the-fly' in Fedora.

WARNING: If you have important data in any directory under / then backup before attempting this.

I'll assume the spare disk is called /dev/sdb

1. Create a new partition of appropriate size using fdisk Code:

fdisk /dev/sdb n (create new partition, select start and end cylinders, all free space is selected by default) w (save partition table and exit)

At this point you may be told that a reboot is necessary, I found it was unnecessary, but for safety you should probably reboot. Type fdisk -l again to check the new partition, I'll assume /dev/sdb1 was created ~10G in size

2. Create an ext3 filesystem in the partition (this step is optional, just a quick test that all is well) Code:

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1

3. Initialise the partition for use as a physical volume in lvm and add it to VolGroup00? Code:

pvcreate /dev/sdb1
vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/sdb1

4. Extend LogVol00? (use 'df /' to check that / is mounted on LogVol00?) as required (by 10G here) Code:

lvextend -L +10G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

If you receive errors about not enough physical extents, then reduce the size of the extension a little until it fits.

5. Finally, resize the filesystem (this part normally would require unmounting /, but for ext3 and 2.6 Kernels it works while the partition is mounted) Code:

resize2fs /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

Type 'df -h /', to check it worked, there should be an extra 10G available (you can use vgdisplay, pvdisplay and lvdisplay (as root) to see detailed info, pvscan for a summary)

Note. I've seen horror stories with lvm manipulation whereby an 'unknown uuid' error occurs for a partition, and the VolGroup? can no longer be found, which prevents booting. This can be due to using e2label, mkfs etc on the partition after it has been initialised as a pv and added to the group. The error is fixable if you haven't rebooted: you need to edit /etc/lvm/backup/VolGroup00? and delete the lines referring to the unrecognized partition (they'll be a few between braces {}, the unknown uuid will be at the beginning, something like:


 pv1 {
                        id = "gAMCGW-jdaH-VXse-HR2j-PA24-AIbb-aHMjKl"
                        device = "/dev/sdb1"   # Hint only

                        status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
                        dev_size = 20482812     # 9.76697 Gigabytes
                        pe_start = 384
                        pe_count = 312  # 9.75 Gigabytes

Remove all these lines, save the file, then run Code:

vgcfgrestore -f /etc/lvm/backup/VolGroup00? VolGroup00? vgscan

vgscan should report all is ok (you can now try reinitialising the 'bad' partition using pvcreate, and then add it back to the VolGroup? with vgextend)