
Synaptics Trackpad In Xorg

In Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 you now need to use xorg.d scripts to configure the synaptics trackpad. Here is my config that allows vertical scroll bar, circular scrolling and coasting. This is for a Dell m1340 so on different trackpads you may have to adjust FingerHigh? etc. To see the values your trackpad is reporting you need to enable SHMConfig? (this config does this) and use the command

synclient -m 1

sudo edit the file : /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "touchpad catchall"
        Driver "synaptics"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"

        Option "SHMConfig" "True"
        Option "LeftEdge" "1781"
        Option "RightEdge" "5400"
        Option "TopEdge" "1677"
        Option "BottomEdge" "4991"
        Option "VertEdgeScroll" "1"
        Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "0"
        Option "EdgeMotionMinZ" "15"
        Option "EdgeMotionMaxZ" "40"
        Option "FingerLow" "10"
        Option "FingerHigh" "15"
        Option "CircularScrolling" "1"
        Option "CircScrollDelta" "0.1"
        Option "CircScrollTrigger" "0"
        Option "CoastingSpeed" "4"

#         Option "FingerPress" "255"
#         Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
#         Option "MaxTapMove" "257"
#         Option "MaxDoubleTapTime" "180"
#         Option "SingleTapTimeout" "180"
#         Option "ClickTime" "100"
#         Option "FastTaps" "0"
#         Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75"
#         Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" "280"
#         Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinW" "7"
#         Option "VertScrollDelta" "117"
#         Option "HorizScrollDelta" "117"
#         Option "CornerCoasting" "0"
#         Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "0"
#         Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "0"
#         Option "MinSpeed" "0.4"
#         Option "MaxSpeed" "0.7"
#         Option "AccelFactor" ""0.00853388""
#         Option "TrackstickSpeed" "40"
#         Option "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "1"
#         Option "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "468"
#         Option "EdgeMotionUseAlways" "0"
#         Option "UpDownScrolling" "1"
#         Option "LeftRightScrolling" "1"
#         Option "UpDownScrollRepeat" "1"
#         Option "LeftRightScrollRepeat" "1"
#         Option "ScrollButtonRepeat" "100"
#         Option "TouchpadOff" "0"
#         Option "GuestMouseOff" "0"
#         Option "LockedDrags" "0"
#         Option "LockedDragTimeout" "5000"
#         Option "RTCornerButton" "2"
#         Option "RBCornerButton" "3"
#         Option "LTCornerButton" "0"
#         Option "LBCornerButton" "0"
#         Option "TapButton1" "1"
#         Option "TapButton2" "3"
#         Option "TapButton3" "2"
#         Option "ClickFinger1" "1"
#         Option "ClickFinger2" "1"
#         Option "ClickFinger3" "2"
#         Option "CircularPad" "0"
#         Option "PalmDetect" "0"
#         Option "PalmMinWidth" "10"
#         Option "PalmMinZ" "199"
#         Option "PressureMotionMinZ" "29"
#         Option "PressureMotionMaxZ" "159"
#         Option "PressureMotionMinFactor" "1"
#         Option "PressureMotionMaxFactor" "1"
#         Option "GrabEventDevice" "1"
#         Option "TapAndDragGesture" "1"
#         Option "AreaLeftEdge" "0"
#         Option "AreaRightEdge" "0"
#         Option "AreaTopEdge" "0"
#         Option "AreaBottomEdge" "0"
#         Option "JumpyCursorThreshold" "0"