
Vi Cheat Sheet

h move cursor one character to left
j move cursor one line down
k move cursor one line up
l move cursor one character to right
w move cursor one word to right
b move cursor one word to left
0 move cursor to beginning of line
$ move cursor to end of line
nG move cursor to line n
control-f scroll forward one screen
control-b scroll backward one screen

i insert to left of current cursor position (end with ESC)
a append to right of current cursor position (end with ESC)
dw delete current word (end with ESC)
cw change current word (end with ESC)
r change current character
~ change case (upper-, lower-) of current character

dd delete current line
D delete portion of current line to right of the cursor
x delete current character
ma mark currrent position
d`a delete everything from the marked position to here
`a go back to the marked position
p dump out at current place your last deletion (``paste'')

u undo the last command
. repeat the last command

J combine (``join'') next line with this one

:w write file to disk, stay in vi
:q! quit VI, do not write file to disk,
ZZ write file to disk, quit vi

:r filename read in a copy of the specified file to the current

/string search forward for string (end with Enter)
?string search backward for string (end with Enter)
n repeat the last search (``next search'')

:s/s1/s2 replace (``substitute'') (the first) s1 in this line by s2
:lr/s/s1/s2/g replace all instances of s1 in the line range lr by s2
(lr is of form `a,b', where a and b are either explicit
line numbers, or . (current line) or $ (last line)
:map k s map the key k to a string of vi commands s (see below)
:abb s1 s2 expand the string s1 in append/insert mode to a string
s2 (see below)
% go to the "mate," if one exists, of this parenthesis or brace or bracket (very useful for programmers!)